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Cybersecure remote management of water pumps – Use Case #01

Water is something we tend to take for granted. How can we utilise cost efficient remote management without giving up on cybersecurity? Find out how the SecuriConnect product line is meeting these challenges.

Today, water supply facilities are starting to utilise information technology (IT) in greater degree for remote management, surveillance and control.

The facilities are no longer physically separated from other communication networks, they are often connected to remote office networks. This type of connection, however, exposes the water pump station to new kinds of threats – cyberattacks.

Most reported attacks on critical infrastructure are made possible by network connections to administrative systems, or directly from the Internet. How can owners of water supply facilities utilise cost efficient remote management without compromising on cybersecurity?


What you will learn in this Use Case

In this Use Case, you will learn:

  • About how to create an encrypted, secure tunnel
  • How to ensure cost efficient and cybersecure remote management
  • How to manage a user friendly plug and play system with superior communication privacy


Cybersecure remote management of water pumps

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