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Secure remote access

Many organisations depend on remote access through RDP, for example, to allow suppliers to perform maintenance, or so that operating personnel can monitor and control a system. Secure remote access solves many of the security risks that are otherwise associated with such solutions.

It is very important to be able to manage and monitor systems remotely. General network connections such as IPsec or TLS are sometimes used to connect data networks remotely. In terms of IT security, such connections mean that both systems are exposed to the sum of the threats facing each of them.

A common feature of many remote access systems is that they are universal and have adaptations and functions for everything from office work to system administration. This also means that there are risks of both incorrect configuration and implementation bugs.

Remote access can be made secure by using RDP and protecting the jump server with an explicit security solution. SecuriCDS ZoneGuard for RDP is such a solution.

Secure remote access

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