From 1993 to 2023
In March 2023, Advenica turns 30 years old!
Advenica, then Business Security, was founded in Lund in 1993. This year saw the launch of the company’s first product – SecuriCrypto! Next year, a series of encryption products were created for voice, fax and data communications. At the turn of the millennium, a decision was made to start attracting the security market’s most sensitive customers in terms of security requirements, but also to start developing VPN products.
2006-2009 TOP SECRET-certified SecuriVPN first and second generation by Swedish NCSA. In 2011 SecuriVPN Arana was EU certified at the highest level (SECRET) and Advenica became one of four companies with an approved VPN product at the EU SECRET level.
In 2014, Business Security instead became Advenica and the company was listed on First North Premier. The following year, a new product line was launched – data diodes and ZoneGuard!
In 2017, Advenica moved to Malmö and also opened offices in Finland and Austria.
In 2023, Advenica is working with encryption systems and network solutions to continue our mission to create a safer world!
Interview with Jens, Engineering Manager
Interview with Advenica’s founder and chairman of the board
Advenica’s founder Ove Linde and chairman of the board Per Wargéus talk about Advenica’s history and future in connection with our 30th anniversary celebration!
For a safer world since 1993
Our vision is “a secure connected world”. Higher digitization means more attack vectors and thus a greater risk of intrusion, data leakage and manipulation of information worthy of protection. Today’s threats come not only from script kiddies but also fanatics, criminals and – most dangerous of all – state-sponsored, resourceful and persistent attackers with clear goals and a military agenda. This makes information security a strategic responsibility at management level and a CSR issue with the same high dignity as sustainability, equality and justice.