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Cybersecurity challenges in 2018

Advenica’s CTO Jonas Dellenvall and CEO Einar Lindquist talk about what’s happening in cybersecurity in 2018.


What are the biggest cybersecurity challenges in 2018?

Jonas Dellenvall: Basically, the work is the same as it has always been. You need to work systematically based on your assets, threats and risks. What has changed is that the attacker’s motivation and capacities have increased, while the value of assets has increased. Today’s work is more crucial than ever before.

Einar Lindquist: It’s still about insight and understanding from decision makers, board members and owners who need to understand that the threats are greater and more prevalent than we realise. And that the known threats are mild compared to the threats and attacks that come from well-organised and well-funded organisations as well as state powers. It is much easier to manipulate, destroy and acquire sensitive information via the Internet and at a distance than having someone work on the inside.




What will be crucial for improving cybersecurity in 2018?

Jonas Dellenvall: The increased ability of attackers means you need to be stricter in segmentation. Combine logical separation (e.g. VLAN), with physical separation (Cross Domain Solutions). Otherwise there is a risk that you build protection that does not help. There are three new laws you need to address and plan for during 2018,: GDPR, NIS, in May 2018 and the new Security Protection Act, which will come into force on 1 January 2019.

Einar Lindquist: Take it seriously. All companies have been, will be, or are under attack.


What’s your best tip for a first step for companies who feel information security is overwhelming?

Jonas Dellenvall: Take stock of and understand your information assets. What are the consequences if the respective asset is destroyed, corrupted or becomes common knowledge? If you start there you can decide how to proceed. There is of course help from authorities and suppliers. But you have to start by understanding the value of your own assets. Without that knowledge you can’t understand why or how to protect yourself.

Einar Lindquist: Turn to experts, not to your existing vendor of systems, firewalls and antiviruses. Anyone who wants to do you damage knows everything about the hardware and software you have installed, as it is known and already open. So my advice is: Do not go to a general practitioner, turn to a specialist.


What’s the business benefit for an organisation to put cybersecurity/information security high on the agenda?

Jonas Dellenvall: Today information is often the most valuable asset of any business. Either because the information as such is worth so much, or because a business would simply stop working without it. The people who are best at processing and managing information create the most business value. Previously, information was often handled as an IT issue. That’s no longer the case. Today , the issue has moved into management and board level. That change has taken place for a good reason.

Einar Lindquist: You reach customers and markets in a safe and controlled way if you get help segmenting and classifying your access points. That means you get a competitive advantage.

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