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Data diodes – Your ultimate solution for secure file transfer

Ensuring secure file transfer in segmented network environments can be a challenge, especially when different security zones are involved. However, the use of unidirectional communication with the use of a data diode can provide a robust solution to this challenge.

Traditional methods pose huge risks of attacks

A common need in a segmented network environment is to import and export files between different zones. File transfer and file sharing is done both between people and machines, using several different technologies depending on the environment. However, file transfer can quickly become a challenge when the zones also have different security classifications. Traditional file transfer methods inherently pose risks of exposing sensitive environments to potential attacks, such as:

  • Data breaches: File transfer processes can expose sensitive data to interception or unauthorised access, leading to data breaches.
  • Data integrity: Ensuring that transferred files remain unchanged and uncorrupted during transmission is crucial. Any alteration or corruption could compromise the integrity of the data.
  • Authentication and authorisation: Verifying the identity of users or systems involved in file transfer and ensuring they have the appropriate permissions to access or transfer files is essential for preventing unauthorised access.
  • Compliance requirements: Many industries have regulatory requirements governing the secure transfer of sensitive data, such as HIPAA in healthcare or GDPR in the European Union.
  • File Transfer Protocol (FTP) vulnerabilities: Traditional FTP protocols may lack robust security features, making them vulnerable to attacks such as brute-force password cracking or man-in-the-middle attacks.

This implies that the need for information flow between zones necessitates careful consideration of what security measures you should take and that you need to make sure that you use the right security solutions.


Why data diodes are your best choice for secure file transfer

Data diodes are the failsafe way to protect sensitive systems and confidential data. Data diodes are hardware devices, also called “unidirectional security gateways”, which sit between two networks. Working like a check valve, the function of a data diode is to allow all data to pass in the forward direction, while blocking all data in the reverse direction. The built-in fiber optical connection and the fact that the internal receiver cannot transmit information makes it physically impossible for data to travel in the opposite direction. And as it is not software, it cannot be directly attacked by malicious code, which results in high assurance.

A high assurance data diode protects assets for operators within critical infrastructure (ICS/SCADA) and defence industries. However, along with digitalisation and the increase of sophisticated cyberattacks, every organisation that operates with sensitive information has great use of a data diode to protect its valuable information and securely exchange data.

To be able to communicate with bidirectional protocols, proxy services are needed. The proxy services convert bidirectional protocols into unidirectional protocols, so it can be transferred over the data diode. By using a proxy service, a data diode can handle common communication protocols. Such services translate these protocols into unidirectional protocols, offering you data communication with the impenetrable security of one-directional hardware.

With data diodes as your choice of solution for secure file transfer, your organisation can rest assured that your sensitive data remains protected during file transfer, thanks to the robust optical hardware-based security that cannot be compromised by malware or misconfigurations. Embrace the power of data diodes for your secure file transfer needs!

Data diodes

More reasons why data diodes should be your choice of security solution

There are several strengths with a data diode:

  • Their ability to ensure security in insecure systems, and to protect and preserve legacy systems. By using data diodes, legacy systems can be protected without overhauling the entire system.
  • Its hardware aspect. By using a hardware system, data diodes remove, to a large extent, the possibility of user error.
  • The long-term operating costs are low. After the initial investment of purchase and system integration, the savings in maintenance and administration costs make the data diode an efficient network security solution in the long run.
  • The way they reduce the cybersecurity risk. The data diode’s strict properties mean that you can completely rule out certain types of risks. For example, you know that the network cannot leak information and can thus focus on managing risks with privacy and malware.
  • You can feel secure in the long term. Data diodes are a solution that is as secure today as in 5 or 10 years, and this without you having to do anything. You can trust that it will continue in the same secure way for a long time.
  • They are easy to install and configure, and a simple standard use case can be deployed in a couple of hours. Monitoring is done using standard methods such as SNMP and Syslog that allows integration with all widely used network monitoring tools. Configuration changes are applied using a simple to use web application interface.


Read more about our data diodes and how they can secure your information and read more about secure file transfers with datadiodes!

If you need more advice on security solutions and how you can switch to data diodes, you are welcome to contact us!


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