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Advenica’s data diodes approved by Swedish Armed Forces with the component assurance level N3 according to Swedish national security requirements

Advenica’s data diodes SecuriCDS DD1000A and SecuriCDS DD1000i has been approved by Swedish Armed Forces with the component assurance level N3 according to Swedish national security requirements.

The component assurance level N3 can be used in systems with high impact level (eg handling secret information up to SECRET/TOP SECRET) but where the component level of exposure is somewhat limited.

This approval makes Advenica’s data diodes the only approved diodes at level N3 since no IT security product has been approved at this level before.

Advenica has as a provider of IT security solutions for customers with the highest requirements of security a far-reaching and established development process to ensure assurance. Assurance means the degree of confidence that a product or a system properly performs its required security features and that they can’t be bypassed.

The quality and the assurance in Advenica’s solutions has been confirmed multiple times by examination of independent third party. The solutions are evaluated and approved by multiple national security authorities. To have received this approval Advenica has passed extensive audits and proved that Advenica meets the highest requirements of security and assurance. 

Unidirectional information exchange between networks

The data diodes, SecuriCDS DD1000A and SecuriCDS DD1000i, ensures unidirectional data transfer, meaning that data can only pass in one direction and thereby prevents sensitive information from moving in the opposite direction. Data diodes is primarily used to let secret networks receive data from open networks with a lower level of classification. 

“The fact that we have gotten our solutions for unidirectional information exchange approved at the level of N3 is an enormous success for the company and gives us a strengthened position at the market. The need of Cross Domain Solutions has continuously increased since our launch of SecuriCDS in 2015”, says Jonas Dellenvall, CTO, Advenica AB.

Within the product family Cross Domain Solutions, Advenica offers two different models of data diodes. SecuriCDS DD1000A which is a hardware based diode with optical separation to guarantee unidirectional communication. SecuriCDSDD1000i with in-built proxies to handle a variety of protocols such as FTP, SFTP, CIFS/SMB, NFS, UDP and NTP.

For further information, please contact: Einar Lindquist, CEO, +46 (0)704 29 98 39, einar.lindquist@advenica.com

About Advenica

Advenica is a leading European provider of cybersecurity. Advenica develops, manufactures and sells advanced cybersecurity solutions that prevent intrusions, theft and data leakage at information exchanges. With future-safe and sustainable solutions, Advenica enable companies and organisations to take digital responsibility. Read more at www.advenica.com

Advenica AB is a publicly traded company listed on Nasdaq OMQ First North Premier with the name ADVE. Certified Adviser is Erik Penser Bankaktiebolag. www.penser.se

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