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Advenica to take part in a Swedish Cybersecurity Index

In cooperation with the Swedish civil security, Sig Security and SACS, Advenica and Christer Magnusson from the University of Stockholm, have established a security index. This is an initial step to gather information regarding the current security situation within Swedish organizations.

Digitalization is becoming a center focus across all industries. The drive towards digitalization is for organizations to become more competitive in the market place, optimize productivity all the while adhere to the requirements for personal data, incidents and protection towards different fields. Many times security is seen as an obstacle and not as an opportunity. As a result of this index, corporations can evaluate where they stand amongst others. This index can serve as best practice guide and a source of inspiration to see cybersecurity as an opportunity for digitalization.

“Digital responsibility must begin today! The outcome of digital responsibility is for organizations to have a clear vision on what their cybersecurity goals and objectives should be. An index creates a good overview and can help provide an understanding on what areas needs improvement.”

Håkan Ahrefors, PhD CISA Security & Compliance Specialist, Advenica AB

For further information, please contact: Einar Lindquist, CEO Advenica AB, +46 (0)704 29 98 39, einar.lindquist@advenica.com

About Advenica

Advenica is a leading European provider of cybersecurity. Advenica develops, manufactures and sells advanced cyber security solutions that prevent intrusions, theft and data leakage at information exchanges and therefore enables interaction between and within nations, organisations and systems with high security requirements. www.advenica.com

Advenica AB is a publicly traded company listed on Nasdaq OMQ First North Premier with the name ADVE. Certified Adviser is Erik Penser Bankaktiebolag. www.penser.se

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