Start » Advenica shows exclusive preview of upcoming industrial data diode at Hannover Messe

Advenica shows exclusive preview of upcoming industrial data diode at Hannover Messe

Advenica continues to innovate within its data diode product portfolio. At the end of last year, the standalone proxy software for data diodes, the Advenica Data Diode Engine, was released. The next chapter will be the introduction of an industrial data diode. This product will pave the way for a new line of data diodes within the expanding portfolio of Advenica data diodes.

The new product is a data diode with IP connectivity capabilities in a compact format, tailor-made for industrial installations. We believe that this will be next year’s pioneering contribution for strengthening cybersecurity in industrial installations, further accelerating the digitalization of industry and infrastructure.

The planned launch of this new product is in 2025. However, there is a chance of getting an early preview as the first running prototype of the product will be shown in one of our two demos at the Hannover Messe 22-26th of April 2024.

Visit stand D02 in Hall 16 to find out more!

More information about the Advenica data diodes can be found on our website.

For further information, please contact:
Marie Bengtsson, VD Advenica AB, +46 (0) 703 860 032, marie.bengtsson@advenica.com

The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 15.40 CET on April19th, 2024.

About Advenica

Advenica’s expertise helps countries, authorities, companies and organisations protect the most important digital information. Our well-proven and trusted cybersecurity solutions isolate networks physically while connecting data securely. Since the start in 1993, we design, develop and manufacture all crypto and segmentation products in Sweden to ensure high assurance. Read about our unique technology and its EU and national approvals at the highest security level at www.advenica.com

Advenica AB is a publicly traded company listed on Nasdaq First North Premier Growth with the name ADVE. Certified Adviser is Redeye AB,  www.redeye.se

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