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Advenica launches the next generation of SecuriCDS Data Diodes

In today’s connected world, the need to ensure that your information is handled in a highly secure and controlled manor is vital. For example, in Critical Infrastructure, one method is to control the intended communication to prevent data intrusion or leakage. The type of product which can be used for this is a data diode.

In order to widen our product range in the area of Cross Domain Solutions, Advenica launches two new data diodes, one with built-in proxies, with the name SecuriCDS DD1000I and one using only the data diode SecuriCDS DD1000A. In addition to its new design, the functionality and capacity has improved significantly allowing more use cases can be met.

“We have offered data diodes before. Launching two new versions with higher capacity enables customers to choose the model that best meets their needs. We see this new offering as an example of our strength and flexibility.”, says Anders Strömberg, VP Markering, Advenica AB.

The new diodes will be introduced in conjunction with the launch of our new SecuriCDS Zone Guard. The event will take place on 26-27 May in Stockholm for invited partners and customers.

“Advenica has high ambitions to create different solutions in the area of secure information exchange. We are actively addressing our customers demand to ensure network integrity and network confidentiality. By finding flexible ways to meet our customers and partners’ needs, we ensure that the right tools are available for providing secure information exchange.”, says Lisa Quinn, Commercial Product Manager, Advenica AB.

For further information, please contact: Anders Strömberg, VP Marketing, +46 (0)708 16 09 47, anders.stromberg@advenica.com

Advenica is a leading European provider of cybersecurity. Advenica develops, manufactures and sells advanced cyber security solutions that prevent intrusions, theft and data leakage at information exchanges and therefore enables interaction between and within nations, organisations and systems with high security requirements. www.advenica.com

Advenica AB is a publicly traded company listed on Nasdaq OMQ First North Premier with the name ADVE. Certified Adviser is Erik Penser Bankaktiebolag. www.penser.se

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