Start » Advenica receives order worth 25 MSEK from Swedish authority for development of crypto products

Advenica receives order worth 25 MSEK from Swedish authority for development of crypto products

Advenica has received an order from a Swedish authority regarding product development of crypto products. The order is worth 25 MSEK and delivery will take place during the second half of 2024 and the first quarter of 2025.

Advenica is a well-established and trusted supplier of cybersecurity solutions to defence customers, both in Sweden and internationally. These are customers whose business requires high assurance solutions to secure the most sensitive information.

An order regarding continued development of crypto products has been received from a Swedish authority. Delivery of the order will take place during the second half of 2024 and the first quarter of 2025.

“We are proud of the long-term trust from our customer to develop products that protects their most valuable information. Advenica has extensive experience in solutions for the highest security – solutions that contribute to a safer world.”
                                     Marie Bengtsson, CEO Advenica

For further information, please contact:
Marie Bengtsson, CEO Advenica AB, +46 (0) 703 860 032 marie.bengtsson@advenica.com

The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 17.45 CET on July 3rd, 2024.

About Advenica

Advenica’s expertise helps countries, authorities, companies and organisations protect the most important digital information. Our well-proven and trusted cybersecurity solutions isolate networks physically while connecting data securely. Since the start in 1993, we design, develop and manufacture all crypto and segmentation products in Sweden to ensure high assurance. Read about our unique technology and its EU and national approvals at the highest security level at www.advenica.com

Advenica AB is a publicly traded company listed on Nasdaq First North Premier Growth with the name ADVE. Certified Adviser is Redeye AB,  www.redeye.se

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