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Advenica launches the first communication solution with integrated protection against the most advanced digital attacks

Our society is digitizing at an increasing pace, while the digital communication is lacking effective and adequate protection against organized hacker attacks. Advenica, a leading cybersecurity company, launches the new generation of SecuriConnect specifically designed to handle new attacks. SecuriConnect is a market unique device for network encryption that enables secure and sustainable communication privacy by using future-proof encryption algorithms. 

The concept of the new SecuriConnect is to ensure communication privacy and to separate critical business information from administration. By utilizing the patented technology, Three Domain Separation, providers and administrative staff can manage the SecuriConnect system without access to confidential customer information.

“We always strive to offer our customers unique solutions that surpasses all expectations while driving the technology forward. The launch of our new SecuriConnect enables future-proof communications privacy and eliminates insider threats. We are very proud that SecuriConnect is the first solution on the market that can withstand the threat of quantum computers.”, says Stefan Chevul, Product Manager, Advenica AB.

The new generation of SecuriConnect enables you to take your digital responsibility to the next level. It secures your digital communication while protecting against eavesdropping, replay attacks and manipulation of information. Whether you handle business data, IPR, financial transactions, critical infrastructure, utilities, national or state secrets. 

SecuriConnect video

For more information about how SecuriConnect can be used and the benefits available with the solution is a video on Advenicas website and on Advenicas YouTube channel. Go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Znbn5qd37Lg

For further information, please contact: Einar Lindquist, CEO, +46 (0)704 29 98 39, einar.lindquist@advenica.com 

About Advenica

Advenica is a leading European provider of cybersecurity. Advenica develops, manufactures and sells advanced cyber security solutions that prevent intrusions, theft and data leakage at information exchanges and therefore enables interaction between and within nations, organisations and systems with high security requirements. www.advenica.com

Advenica AB is a publicly traded company listed on Nasdaq OMQ First North Premier with the name ADVE. Certified Adviser is Erik Penser Bankaktiebolag. www.penser.se

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