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NIS-direktivet – ökad informationssäkerhet för samhällsviktiga tjänster

What you will learn from this White Paper

In this White Paper we deal with the NIS Directive. The NIS Directive is intended to raise the EU member states’ level of protection with regard to critical infrastructure. NIS is an abbreviation of “The Directive on security of network and information systems”, i.e. the directive on security in networks and information systems, and aims to speed up measures for a higher level of security within the EU

We answer questions such as:

  • How should the NIS Directive be applied?
  • What does the NIS Directive mean in practical terms?
  • Who are covered by the NIS Directive?
  • What is the difference between NIS and GDPR?
  • What are the most important actions?
  • What is NIS 2?

Also: Five questions you must ask yourself in the NIS work!


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