av | jan 29, 2018
Advenica has received another significant order for 2018 from the Finnish public sector. The new order is placed on products, with delivery during Q1 this year. The nature and circumstances of the industry regarding the delivery and the customer means that further...
av | jan 29, 2018
Advenica har erhållit 2018 års andra större order inom den finska offentliga sektorn. Denna gång handlar det om produkter, med leverans under årets första kvartal. Branschens karaktär och omständigheter som rör...
av | jan 18, 2018
The newly signed order, worth approximately MSEK 1, includes Advenica’s products and services with delivery early 2018. The customer is an organisation in the Finnish public sector. The nature and circumstances of the industry regarding the delivery and the...
av | jan 18, 2018
Den nytecknade ordern är värd cirka 1 MSEK och omfattar såväl produkter som tjänster från Advenica till en organisation inom finsk offentlig sektor, med första leverans i början av 2018. Branschens karaktär och...
av | jun 30, 2017
Advenica is growing on the international market and the establishment in Helsinki has been followed by successful business. A clear result of an investment in solutions addressing difficult information security challenges. The orders, placed on both products and...