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Advenica Data Diode Services

The Advenica Data Diode Services are software applications that enable multiple use cases for one-way data flow supported by data diodes. The service handles the integration with applications on the source and destination networks, facilitating integration in the target system.

The services are deployed in a Data Diode Engine system. The complete solution can be run standalone or on the Advenica SecuriCDS DD1000i Data Diode with integrated proxy hardware.


Secure import or export of files

File Transfer Service

One-way file transfer between classified or sensitive networks, ensuring confidentiality or integrity and availability.

  • File sharing between networks of different classifications
  • Data export from secured networks such as Historian database replication, XML or JSON based data, log data etc.

Supported protocols: SFTP, SMB, NFS

Secure OT to IT integration

OPC UA Service

One-way communication for applications within industrial automation, process control, energy management or other data-intensive system.

  • Data export from PLCs, HMIs, SCADA or other systems to less sensitive networks for e.g. centralised monitoring or data analysis
  • Allow import of data from independent providers to central system

Supported protocols: OPC UA, OPC UA to MQTT (integrated protocol conversion)

Secure IoT & M2M message transfer

MQTT Service

Connect sensors, actuators or control systems and maintain integrity and availability of the source networks.

  • Gather data from remote assets for monitoring or statistics used for e.g. predictive maintenance or other data analytics for production optimisation
  • Secure machine-to-machine (M2M) communication over MQTT

Secure export of log data

Syslog or UDP/TCP Service

Access to log data from sensitive or classified systems while maintaining air gap protection of the source network.

  • Export of log data for centralised monitoring
  • Secure integration of third party Secure Operations Center (SOC)

Supported protocols: Syslog over UDP or TCP

Secure email transfer

Email Transfer Service

Allow email communication in one direction between classified or sensitive network and less secure domains.

  • Automatic email notifications between security domains
  • Digitalised system reports over email from OT to IT

Supported protocols: SMTP

Secure web service requests over HTTP(s)

HTTP Transfer Service

Send web service requests over HTTP(s) using a one-way data communication link with pre-configued response options.

  • Submit forms, send data to web services or make API requests with HTTP(s) POST
  • Enable system generated requests from secure to less secure network.

Supported protocols: HTTP / HTTP(s)

Secure data transfer over UDP or TCP

Data Transfer Services

Transfer data with unspecified type and structure securely between separated networks over one-way data link. Flexible solution for applications using UDP or TCP as transfer protocol.

Services are always included for Data Diode Engine and DD1000i installations

Supported protocols: UDP, TCP

Certifieringar och godkännanden

Advenicas lösningar har erhållit flera prestigefyllda godkännanden av EU, nationella certifieringsorgan och internationella certifieringsorgan för IT-säkerhet. Vi har också beviljats amerikanskt patent för vår VPN-teknologi, Three Domain Separation.


Advenica garanterar att denna produkt kommer att vara fri från defekter i material och utförande under ett (1) år från inköpsdatum.