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Advenica ZoneGuard Services


The Advenica ZoneGuard Services are software applications that enable more protocols for bidirectional filtered transfer. Running multiple services or even multiple instances of the same service in parallel is supported.

HTTPS Service

HTTPS is the protocol for protecting modern web applications. With a ZoneGuard you can call specific methods while blocking others. The ZoneGuard validates that all requests follow the HTTP standard, that values are within range and it can validate your xml according to a schema.

Email Service

A versatile and powerful tool providing policy-based e-mail exchange between network boundaries. Only “permitted by you” validation allows messages including attachments to be sent through an information centric content inspection, where the inherent allowlisting works to allow permitted information to be transferred and denies all other information.

File Transfer Service

In ICS/SCADA systems it is necessary to send reports and allow incoming firmware updates while preserving the system integrity. Defence organisations need to keep classified information within the security domain but still must be able to release information to another system or security domain. File Transfer Application handles both use cases, protecting integrity and confidentiality by allowlisting information exchange and providing explicit control over files sent from or to a system.


Advenica can help you tailor new services for your specific use-case.

We give you the best possible service by delivering in small iterations. Then we can adjust the implementation of a service according to your feedback.

Certifications and approvals

Advenica solutions have been awarded several prestigious approvals by the European Union, national certification bodies and international IT security certification bodies. We also hold US patent for our VPN technology, Three Domain Separation.


Advenica warrants that this product will be free from defects in material and workmanship for one (1) year from the date of purchase.