Some security challenges where datadiodes are a good solution
Traceability and security logging
Centralised logging in security-sensitive systems involves an enhanced risk of attacks. To reduce the risks, a solution is needed that protects both log data and all connected systems. Read more about traceability and security logging.
Traceability and security logging
Centralised logging in security-sensitive systems involves an enhanced risk of attacks. To reduce the risks, a solution is needed that protects both log data and all connected systems. Read more about traceability and security logging.
Traceability and security logging
Centralised logging in security-sensitive systems involves an enhanced risk of attacks. To reduce the risks, a solution is needed that protects both log data and all connected systems. Read more about traceability and security logging.
Traceability and security logging
Centralised logging in security-sensitive systems involves an enhanced risk of attacks. To reduce the risks, a solution is needed that protects both log data and all connected systems. Read more about traceability and security logging.
Our data diodes have national approvals in several countries. Please contact your Advenica sales representative for specific country information.
The EU certification/approval system does not apply to non-cryptographic products. Advenica’s Data Diodes have been certified in three EU Member States for use up to national security class SECRET. Usually for cryptographic products, the EU requires the opinion of two Member States before granting an approval. If the EU certification/approval program had included non-cryptographic products, Advenica’s date diodes would have been approved for use up to and including EU SECRET security class.
Read more about our certifications.
Traceability and security logging
Centralised logging in security-sensitive systems involves an enhanced risk of attacks. To reduce the risks, a solution is needed that protects both log data and all connected systems. Read more about traceability and security logging.
Traceability and security logging
Centralised logging in security-sensitive systems involves an enhanced risk of attacks. To reduce the risks, a solution is needed that protects both log data and all connected systems. Read more about traceability and security logging.
Traceability and security logging
Centralised logging in security-sensitive systems involves an enhanced risk of attacks. To reduce the risks, a solution is needed that protects both log data and all connected systems. Read more about traceability and security logging.
Traceability and security logging
Centralised logging in security-sensitive systems involves an enhanced risk of attacks. To reduce the risks, a solution is needed that protects both log data and all connected systems. Read more about traceability and security logging.