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Why Vienna chose Advenica’s Data Diodes to protect its energy infrastructure

In our day and age, high-tech companies face ever greater challenges. In addition to digitalisation and the rapid pace of progress in technology, guaranteeing data security has become one of the biggest concerns. Especially major infrastructural facilities like energy utilities represent an obvious target for sabotage and need to take measures to protect their information.

Wiener Netze in Vienna uses Advenica’s Data Diodes to provide complete protection for SCADA systems in operational technology.

A secure, stable and reliable network is vital for energy supply

Wiener Netze delivers electricity, gas, district heating and data to Vienna and its suburbs. Using over 30,000 km of power cables, the network operator serves two million people and boasts a supply reliability of 99.99%. To offer customers a persistently high standard in power supply, Wiener Netze is increasingly investing in IT and automation to provide a secure and reliable network.



Advenica’s Data Diodes provides security required by law

To be able to provide a secure network at all times, companies need to take effective preventive measures. By doing so it is possible to minimize damages in the event of an attack, and to thwart attacks ahead of time.

Wiener Netze uses Advenica’s Data Diodes to physically isolate its SCADA systems in the operation technology to warrant full protection and, at the same time, guarantee absolute secure communication.
Advenica is one of few companies issued with numerous security certifications, which means that Wiener Netze now can prove their security, something that is requested by law.


Case – Data Diodes for protection of the energy infrastructure

In our case “Wiener Netze protects its infrastructure using solutions from Advenica” you can read more about how Data Diodes are used to protect the energy infrastructure in Vienna.


You also learn more about:

  • Why it is essential for energy companies to take effective preventive measures
  • How to avoid that the network is compromised and measurements are manipulated or simulated
  • How Data Diodes can be used for SCADA systems
  • Other applications for SecuriCDS DataDiodes


Find the case here!



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