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Use data diodes to protect information in critical infrastructure

How can you protect your facility from cyber-threats? And yet remain efficient and continue to guarantee operational uptime?


How to protect information in critical infrastructure businesses?

Before, utilities such as nuclear power stations, electricity distribution, water supply, transportation and telecommunications used closed systems for reporting. Today they all depend on open IT systems and often third parties for management, surveillance and control. These functions include collecting, processing and storing log messages, managing, real-time billing and more.

While remote vendor support decreases costs and prevents inefficiencies, it leaves facilities more open to information leakage, and even cyberattacks that could have devastating effects. The question is how to protect information in critical infrastructure businesses? How do you protect your facility from these threats, yet remain efficient and continue to guarantee operational uptime?


protect information in critical infrastructure


Use Data Diodes to protect your information

Data Diodes are the failsafe way to protect your sensitive systems and confidential data. They only allow data to pass in one direction. They keep sensitive infrastructure safe and running, even under severe conditions.


In our Use Case you will learn more about:

  • How data diodes protect your business processes, your data, and create greater efficiencies
  • How data diodes help you conform to relevant standards


Read the Advenica Use Case here and read more about Advenica Data diodes here.

Want to learn even more? Contact us!


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