Start » Advenica receives an order for crypto products worth 58,8 MSEK from a Swedish authority

Advenica receives an order for crypto products worth 58,8 MSEK from a Swedish authority

Advenica has received a new order from a Swedish authority. The deal is worth 58,8 MSEK and concerns delivery of crypto products.

Advenica is a well-established and trusted supplier of cybersecurity solutions both in Sweden and internationally. The solutions are based on Advenica's trusted technology and meet the authority's requirements to be able to exchange information classified as “Kvalificerat Hemlig”. In addition, they are approved for encrypted communication of the highest level of protection-worthy information within the EU.

A new order regarding the delivery of crypto products has been received from a Swedish authority. The new order, which is worth 58,8 MSEK, will be delivered during Q4 2024 and the first half of 2025.

"It is of the utmost importance that sensitive information is protected using cybersecurity solutions at a sufficiently high level. Advenica works with customers whose operations require high-security solutions to protect the most sensitive information. With the help of our products, customers can increase their information security" says Marie Bengtsson, CEO Advenica.

For further information, please contact:
Marie Bengtsson, CEO Advenica AB, +46 (0) 703 860 032 marie.bengtsson@advenica.com

The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 16.35 CET on June 5th, 2024.

Om Advenica-koncernen

Advenica tillhandahåller expertis, hög assurans och cybersäkerhetslösningar i världsklass för kritisk data-in-motion upp till Top Secret-klassning. Med oss stärker länder, myndigheter, företag och organisationer informationssäkerheten och digitaliserar ansvarsfullt. Bolaget grundades 1993 och har EU-godkännande på högsta säkerhetsnivå. Våra unika produkter designas, utvecklas och tillverkas i Sverige. Läs mer på www.advenica.com 

Advenica AB är ett publikt bolag listat på Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market med kortnamnet ”ADVE”. Certified Adviser är Redeye AB, www.redeye.se

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